
Mass. Lottery hosting free COVID-19 vaccine clinic in Springfield

SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (WWLP) – The Massachusetts State Lottery will host a free COVID-19 vaccine in Springfield this Sunday.

The clinic will be located at the One Stop Mart at 477 Boston Road in Springfield from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Sunday. The Massachusetts Lottery will also host clinics on Saturday in Lawrence and New Bedford.

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“As the virus continues to spread, getting people vaccinated and vaccinated is essential to protect
ourselves and those around us, ”said State Treasurer Deborah B. Goldberg, President of the
Massachusetts State Lottery Commission. “The Lottery wants to ensure that COVID vaccines are
readily available to help support the health of everyone in our condition.

  • Boston Road

“Public health and safety continues to be a priority and we are proud to be able to activate
resources available to implement this important Commonwealth effort, ”said Michael
Sweeney, Executive Director of the Mass Lottery.

محمد العلي التحرير

مجموعة من الكتاب الصحفيين والإعلاميين تحت إدارة فريق التحرير لـ موقع اليمن الغد للتغطية الإخبارية لحظة بلحظة من مختلف المحافظات اليمنية وخارج اليمن
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